Produkte von IELASITUNED

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With this email we inform you that from today the GP9R24 Euro in LIMITED EDITION are available. These engines are exactly the same ones used by our official pilots at the last European championships in Italy and differ from the previous...
530,00 €
Art.: GP9R-24-LE
Available from today as an option for on-road and GT engines, the new Swiss quality ceramic bearing from WIB
79,90 €
Art.: ILS-WIB21C
We have also made the Super Short venturi for the GP3R engine which improves the power delivery both at low and high revs. The venturi is ø5.49mm anodized with our red color and has already been used by our pilots. For all 1/10 Nitro...
12,50 €
Art.: ILS21031
We have also made the Super Short venturi for the GP9R24 engine which improves the power delivery both at low and high revs. The venturi is 9mm anodized with our black color and has already been used by our pilots in the past European...
12,50 €
Art.: ILS21029
We have also made the Super Short venturi for the GP5R & Terra engine which improves the power delivery both at low and high revs. The venturi is ø7.0mm anodized with our titanium color and has already been used by our pilots. For all...
12,50 €
Art.: ILS21030
This engine, unlike its predecessor, changes both in the external look and in the details inside...."Black look" crankcase & carburetor, shaft with a different balance, cylinder with a different tuning, ceramic main bearing, super light...
299,90 €
368,90 €
Art.: DustyR
Pre-Order system. After order it will take around 2 weeks till you will get your engine.
477,00 €
Art.: GP9R
Presenting to you, the new GP5GTR24 ! Used by our official drivers in the last European championships in Italy with excellent results, 3 out of 3 drivers in the main final (Daniel, Mattia and Edo), Pole position with best overall...
439,00 €
Art.: GP5R-24
Hier ist der neue IELASITUNED-Motor für die Kategorie 1/10 OnRoad, der GP3R24! Dieser Motor hat im Vergleich zu seinem Vorgänger (Gewinner der letzten Europameisterschaft) keine großen Änderungen erfahren, ein paar kleine Überarbeitungen...
416,50 €
Art.: GP3R24
The third new engine in the IELASITUNED range that we present to you today is dedicated to the OffRoad category and will replace our previous Dirt and Dusty engines for the future, we are talking about the new IELASITUNED TERRA!!! For a...
415,00 €
Art.: Terra
Today we present a small improvement dedicated for 1/8 model car OnRoad to use our Kit2185Factory more safely, here is the Anti-vibration Kit. This kit is composed of two springs and two collars that as shown in the photo are used to fix...
4,00 €
Art.: ILS21024
After the positive debut at the last 1/10 European Championship in France with our official drivers, the new IELASITUNED Efra2701FT muffler is available for everyone! As for our 2185FT (1/8 Onroad) and 2186FT (1/8Offroad) also the new...
103,00 €
Art.: ILS-2701FT
Microfiber black size: 120 x 70
26,00 €
Art.: ILS-PIT24
Welcome back guys, today we publish this small Upgrade dedicated to the OnRoad GP9R23 and 24 engines. We have created this "Extender" Kit, consisting of a 4mm ergal spacer and 4 quality M3x22 screws (Bossard), to be applied between the...
15,50 €
Art.: ILS21038
Advantage: more linear in the power release and better runtime.
109,00 €
Art.: ILS-2186FT
-Ready to Race- heisst, ins Auto montieren und losfahren :) Nix einfahren oder sonstiges... Montieren und Spaß haben! Der Motor wird von Toni Gruber (Fahrer) und Gerrit Gruber (Mechaniker) persöhnlich eingefahren. Das ganze geht circa...
629,00 €
Art.: RTR-GP9R24
-Ready to Race- heisst, ins Auto montieren und losfahren :) Nix einfahren oder sonstiges... Montieren und Spaß haben! Der Motor wird von Toni Gruber (Fahrer) und Gerrit Gruber (Mechaniker) persöhnlich eingefahren. Das ganze geht circa...
516,50 €
Art.: RTR-GP3R24
Das neue exklusive 2024 Hardcoated Resorohrkit für 1/10 Nitro Onroad. Neues Resorohr + überarbeiteter Krümmer. Noch mehr Power in jeder Situation!
87,90 €
Art.: IT-2701-Kit
Ein technisches Öl für die Motorwartung, das von der Pepe-Group auf Ielasituned Anfrage hin entwickelt wurde. Es ist das gleiche Öl, dass Ielasituned bei der Montage der Motoren verwenden, ein sehr leichtes und antioxidatives Öl, das...
8,00 €
HOW TO USE - VIDEO from Daniele Ielasi
149,90 €
INFO: Dieser Motor hat die selben Eigenschaften wie die "Normale Version" Bei dieser HongNor Spec Edition wurde lediglich das Motorschild etwas abgedreht und der Sonseranschluss an der Seite weggenommen. Somit passt dieser perfekt in den...
129,00 €
Art.: IT40004-HongNorSpec
In close collaboration with Corsatec we have worked in recent months to start the year 2024 with this great news to be able to give you the opportunity to have IELASITUNED also in the EP category, thus fully embracing our brand. The...
172,00 €
215,00 €
Art.: IT30001
In close collaboration with Corsatec we have worked in recent months to start the year 2024 with this great news to be able to give you the opportunity to have IELASITUNED also in the EP category, thus fully embracing our brand. The...
96,75 €
129,00 €
Art.: IT40001
With great pleasure we present the new IELASITUNED Efra2185Factory muffler kit! This is the latest news from IELASITUNED which will make its debut at the next 1/8 on road world championships in Japan. This joint system, which has already...
124,00 €
Art.: ILS-2185FT
Set: Buchse / Kolben
177,50 €
Art.: ILS2DA03000-R
Here are our new mufflers with the HD treatment! Captivating look, exclusive sound and more impact resistance are the characteristics of these new HD mufflers.
116,00 €
Art.: ILS-2185GTR-HC
Set: Buchse / Kolben / Pleul / Kolbenbolzen
203,55 €
224,90 €
Art.: 2AG03010-R
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